Ranger Club UK Website - Members Areas
Come with us as we take an in-depth look at the members areas of the Ranger Club UK website.
We currently have 3 different tiers available with differing benefits and staggered price points. To see the full list of tiers and their benefits please see here.
Members Homepage
The first page that you are greeted with as a member is your chosen tier’s homepage. This page contains a short list of steps to complete your membership enrolment and claim a physical member’s pack. During this process we capture your address details (so we know where to send your goodies to) and collect emergency contact details (just in-case). All data is encrypted from the moment you click submit and is stored securely offsite with only certain club admins having access to these sensitive details. Members that are subscribed to our Silver and Gold tiers get a combined Green Lane Association membership, behind the scenes some necessary information is passed onto GLASS for the onboarding process but remains encrypted throughout.
Other Page
This page is pretty boring but contains some important information. Club rules, links to join our group chat and announcement channel, a handy form to submit event requests / ideas, Garage submission form and more.
Member & Trail Map
The members map is a live, custom Google Map showing all our members approximate location, this is a great tool to find local Ranger owners and plan convoy routes for pre-event travel. For security, member’s locations are only approximate using outcode / postcode prefix. The map also contains popular meeting points and event locations.
We’ve recently improved our map with a new feature so that all members can see our self recorded, pin-point accurate trail routes from our off-roading events.
Silver & Gold members have the additional benefit of viewing further, in depth information about the trail as well as ability to download each route as a GPX file containing distance, time, travel time, speed and elevation data.
Our map is constantly evolving to make it easier to use. Icons have just been updated and a map key added to help members find what they’re looking for. Clicking an Event Location icon expands more information about the area. Clicking a Tentbox Ambassador icon takes you to their Tentbox affiliate webpage.
Event Calendar
The events page is a simple and easy to use calendar which displays our past and future events along with booking deadlines for events. Clicking on a tile will take you to the event page containing details about the specific event. Things like brief overview, location, timing, rules, RVP, tickets and confirmed attendees. Members can import event date, location and time to their personal Google Calendar with a reminder or download the event in a universal calendar format (.ICS).
A brand new feature that we have introduced is event levels. Each event will now be judged on the following to help members make a quick and informed decision on attending events.
Risk - potential damage to vehicle on tight lanes / potential punctures on extreme terrain.
Difficulty - how challenging the event and tasks will be.
Price - costs involved in attending the event.
Pace - the speed at which the event flows. A coffee meet would be relaxed vs an off-road tour where you are constantly on the move.
Knowledge Base
Newly added in 2022, the Knowledge Base is one our most comprehensive tools on the website. It contains an ever growing collection of resources for UK specification Ford Rangers. There are articles such as user manuals, paint codes, wiring and fuse diagrams, common modifications, how-to guides and more. These resources are free to use to all members.
The Knowledge Base can be used to learn about your vehicle, find solutions to common problems and diagnose faults. At the bottom of each article is a comment section where members can discuss the topic or share their findings.
Example Articles (click to expand)
Example Article ‘What Ranger Do I Have?’
Example Article ‘Wiring Up A Lightbar’
Raffles & Giveaways
Our Raffle & Giveaway page shows all the active competitions with prices (if applicable). Clicking on an item show further details and ticket options.
Raffles: Our raffles are like any traditional raffle you will have seen before. Tickets are available for sale and you can purchase as many as you want. When the cut off date is reached, 1 member is randomly drawn as the winner of said item
Giveaways: The concept of our giveaways is similar to raffles except only one ticket is valid per member and tickets are free.
Members Discount
As a member of Ranger Club UK you get additional savings and higher % discount from a host of companies. These exclusive codes are split into several categories; Vehicle Parts, Insurance / Security, Other, & Uncertified (codes we haven’t sourced ourselves).
Members discounts are identical for all Bronze, Silver and Gold members. If you’re not a member of Ranger Club UK you can still take advantage of our public, free to use discount codes from over 30 companies.
Club Details
The last page is the Other page. This contains any additional information such as Club Accounts, information on advertising kickbacks, details on charitable donations, and proof of Giveaway & Raffle winners.